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Frequently Asked Questions

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How to cancel the order?
You can cancel the order while in the processing, but remember shipped items cannot be cancelled.
How to Rate and Review your product?
All Partsbuzz customers can review and rate the products they have purchased from the platform. If you have purchased something from Partsbuzz, you can rank the product out of 5 stars, leave a descriptive review in text and even add pictures to express what you liked or disliked about the product.
What is the validity of coupons and discount?
Coupons and Discounts can be validate once you reached to the checkout page. By entering it your coupon can get you off on that particular item.
How would I know if my order has been confirmed?
Upon the order confirmation, please expect Notification via any of the below channels: E-mail Push Notification on the app If it requires manual confirmation, our team will contact you via email within 24 hours after order placement.
How do I place an order on Partsbuzz?
You can place an order by choosing any product in the listed items. Select add to cart or buy now to initiate purchasing process.
I got a notification stating my order has been cancelled. What do I do now?
To know the reason for Cancellation, click the Notification that you have received. For more details on cancellation, click Account, and select Cancellation. You will be redirected to a page where you can view your canceled order. Click on the order that you want to check. The details and reason for the cancellation will be stated there.
How to re-order your products that were delivered, returned or cancelled?
To buy your product again follow the below mentioned steps; Go to Partsbuzz homepage Login to your account Click on my orders Press Buy again button for the product you want.
What do the different order statuses in 'My Order' mean?
We have mainly three types of statuses for orders: Processing Shipped Completed
How a seller can block a user?
A seller can block a user from both message and store. For instance, if you want to block a user from messages then block user right in the dialog box and you can block a user whenever ordered any item from your store.
Is it secure to pay via Credit/Debit Card?
At Partsbuzz, we ensure that every credit/debit card transaction is secure and the best security protocols are implemented on the platform.
What payment options are available at Partsbuzz?
We have the following payment methods through which you can make a payment: PayPal Easypaisa Visa and Master Card (Both Debit and Credit) Partsbuzz Wallet Cash on Delivery
What payment methods can be used to top-up Partsbuzz wallet?
We have the following payment methods through which you can used to top-up Partsbuzz wallet: Easypaisa PayPal Visa and Master Card (Both Debit and Credit)
How to add/ remove card details?
You can add/remove card details in the payment settings by navigate your profile.
How to add/ remove card details?
You can add/remove card details in the payment settings by navigate your profile.
What should I check when making online payment at Partsbuzz?
Please keep the following information in mind when making an online payment at Partsbuzz: Contact details Account details Card number Expiry Date CVV
What is the total wallet balance?
Total Wallet Balance = Top-Up + Rebate (Bonus)+ Refund
How can I activate Partsbuzz Wallet?
Your Partsbuzz wallet will be automatically created after signing-up on the platform.
How to pay with Partsbuzz Wallet?
Once you reached to payment option while buying a product then choose payment method as Please keep in mind that if you have a refund, bonus, and deposit amount in your wallet, your payment will be made using the bonus amount first, followed by the refund amount, and finally the deposit amount
What are the common reasons for delay?
The most common reasons for delivery delays are: Seller Sourcing Issues: The seller could take longer than expected time to fulfill your order. Courier service delay: Courier partners takes a longer than expected time to deliver your order. Cross Border shipment delay: Due to Air Transportation or custom delays, your Cross Border order may take longer than usual to be delivered. Customer not available: Our Delivery Hero has not been able to get in touch with the customer. Wrong Address / Phone Number: While placing an order the customer has entered an incorrect address or phone number, leading to late delivery. Extreme Weather: The weather conditions of the destined city may be rough, for example, heavy rainfall, smog, landslide, etc. which may result in a delivery hold-up. Law and Order conditions: Due to religious procession, lockdowns, and strike issues resulting in route blocking, you may receive your package after the promised time.
How do I track my order?
For tracking your order, you should have a tracking number.
I missed my package delivery, what should I do now?
Have you missed delivery for any reason? No problem! We will make every effort to deliver your item in the next business day. Three attempts will be made to deliver it before it is canceled. Note: Delivery attempts will not be made if the order has been refused from your side. If you have any other questions then contact us on partsbuzz@gmail.com
My order status is "Delivered" but I didn't receive it. What should I do?
Have you missed delivery for any reason? No problem! We will make every effort to deliver your item in the next business day. Three attempts will be made to deliver it before it is canceled. Note: Delivery attempts will not be made if the order has been refused from your side. If you have any other questions then contact us at partsbuzz@gmail.com
What happens if I don't collect the package within the given time?
If the order is not collected within 5 working days after receiving the OTP, it is sent back to the seller/ it is returned to the seller & will be marked as canceled.
Will somebody contact me before delivering the package to my location?
Courier representative may reach out to you if he needs clarity on the delivery location or needs to confirm the availability before delivering the order.
What are the expected delivery timeline?
We always try our best to deliver your order at the earliest! But delivery time depend on every product and seller.
Does Partsbuzz refund shipping fee?
The shipping fee is refunded along with the amount paid for your returned or canceled product. You will be refunded in the following cases: If the order is canceled. If the order delivery attempt is Failed by the courier. If the item is refunded for the below reasons: 1- Damaged, defective 2- Expired item 3- Incorrect 4- Not as advertised 5- Counterfeit item 6- Incorrect size 7- Missing items
What is Daraz's refund policy?
The amount is refunded in the following scenarios: Refund against Return orders: the refund is processed if your return claim is deemed valid. Refund against Cancelled orders: Refund is automatically triggered once the cancellation has been successfully processed. Failed Delivery: In case of a failed delivery, It takes 10 working days to return the item to the seller. Once the item is delivered to the seller then your order status will get updated as "Refunded" and you will follow the below refund timeline.
How can I reset my password?
You can reset your password by visiting a profile.
How can I provide suggestions and feedback?
Partsbuzz always values customer input, and we always appreciate suggestions and feedback. These ideas and comments enable us to improve our services. You can email us at partsbuzz@gmail.com or chat with us live if you have any complaints or suggestions about our services, application, website, policies, etc.
Can I access Partsbuzz from multiple devices?
Yes, you can access Partsbuzz from multiple devices.
What should I do if I am unable to access Partsbuzz Website or App?
If you encountered with any issues it might be technical issues, web browser cache. If issue still persists, you need to update or reinstall the app.
How can I sign up as a customer on Partsbuzz?
You do not need to sign up for customer account. After creating an account, you can do buy or sell anything.
How can I add a new delivery address to my account?
You are required to change a new delivery address by accessing to your profile settings.
How to update or Change email address?
You can update or change email address by access to My Account
How do I change the personal details of my account?
You can change your password by visiting your profile information and click on edit.
How to change the language on Partsbuzz?
By clicking on choose your country to change language as per your desire.
How can I login if I don't have Partsbuzz account?
If you don't have a Partsbuzz Account, you can sign up via your Facebook or Google Account.
What should I do if I don't get the OTP or verification code when signing up?
In case you don't receive the OTP when signing up, please contact us via Live Chat, Email, or call. We will facilitate you accordingly.
International shipping
Shipping World Wide
Reliable Sellers
Verified Seller Onboard
Customer Support
24/7 Customer Support
Payment Methods
Multiple Payment Gateways